Wholesale opals gemstones.

Wholesale opals gemstones.

Posted by on Sep 26, 2016 in about opals, Australian National gemstone., Australian opal jewelry, Australian opal ring, Black opal jewellery, Black opal jewelry, Black opal rings, Custom opal diamond ring, Handmade opal jewelry, opal jewellery, opal ring, opal ring, Opal ring, Articles Jewelry., Wholesale opals |

Wholesale opals gemstone from Australia.

Wholesale opals from Australia as Ethiopia opals are not as durable as Australian opals.  Australian Lightning Ridge Black opals gemstones wholesale are the most durable under pressure.

Wholesale opals from the only Australian Premier State Heritage listed opal mine. The official Government submission read about Graham’s mine, Opal more rarely, specimens contain precious opal. And these are surely among the most beautiful natural objects on earth, characterized by red/black gems of superlative brilliance.

Wholesale opals and black opals from Australia.

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Australian opals and black opal gemstones wholesaler.

Australian black opals are the most durable, Crystal opal similar tensile strength as glass, so thin flat stones maybe will possibly have problems, please provide this information after sale to your customers, relatively easy if you drop your opal ring from elbow height on to something hard, like your tile floor or stone table. Carpet is perfect when taking off your jewelry. Always have a good grip on your jewelry when you are putting it on and off your hand. Have a look down and asked the question to yourself are you standing on carpet or stone style surface.

If you are not going to have your ring on all the time, rub some body oil on the opal before placing the ring into safekeeping, this is not necessary with good Australian black opals.  You can smear your very clean finger across the stone and this will be good for a few months.
Opal contains water but all opal mining locations carry different percent of water, so do not take your jewelry into very hot sauna and temperatures below freezing, or sun bake with it in very hard direct sunlight.
Cleaning instructions place your jewelry into warm water for about 4 seconds and then clean the gemstone, so find a toothbrush with a very very fine soft bristled tooth brush, mix’s some good quality dish detergent into the water, just a little bit particularly if your ring looks dirty oil on the surface.

Wholesale opals and black opals from Australia.

Custom Made Opal Wedding Rings.

Its OK dip the opal jewelry several times but not for longer than 4 seconds, dry the opal jewelry with a new very clean tissue well, but do not use tissue that has been exposed to common room dust, let the opal dry naturally by the air few minutes and when dry, clean your fingers from very fine dust particles,rub your finger gently over the Opal.  The oils on your finger are all the Opal needs to stay in good condition. Just remember very fine dust particles on tissues can slowly take the polish off opals after many years of cleaning.

Wholesale opal gemstone for October positive thinking and the lucky charm birthstone for people interested in being positive in their lives direction, as lucky is positive not negative, so for all you guys born in the month of October see Graham’s wholesale opals.