Australian Legends.

Australian Legends.

Posted by on Jul 8, 2021 in Australian soldiers, Australian Special Forces, Australian War Heroes |

Australian Special Forces Afghanistan Allegations Of  War Crimes.

Australian Special Forces Afghanistan do not jump to conclusions at this stage about them, they’re only allegations of war crimes in Afghanistan and maybe made by lefties. The allegations only was against a few Australian special forces over 20 gears of War.  We also must not forget the Australian tax payers and give thanks where it is deserve the most, to the Australian civilian the salt of the earth hard working male and female tax payers. For their funding of Australian men and women in their career choice to be a professional soldier.

Australian SAS let us not forget Afghanistan

Australian special forces in Afghanistan let us not forget.

I’m sure a lot of Australion Afghanistan veterans would all say thank you Australian civilians for paying the bill for providing jobs for more than 39,000 Australian defence force personnel to prevent the Taliban from ever committing war against the USA or Australia and their European allies etc again.


 Afghanistan War Australians Involvement.


Afghanistan coloniser’s wars if you look back over the last 500 years Afghans have had only about 30 years of real stability the rest has been conflict or domination invaded so war.
Exactly the same has happened to the USSR in the 80s. Private soldiers or mercenaries like Blackwater only blackened the Allies name. Most of the American people do not want these wars, put yourself in the ordinary army private’s shoes. His life matters, too but then why did he choose a military career, war could be on the cards at any time.


Western women lost Afghanistan. males back in Power.

Afghanistan won’t follow western matriarchy values & send their females to fight wars. Taliban won’t allow removal of genitalia sex reassignment surgery or transgenders like in western countries. No medical scientists to invent transgender’s to give birth. Most likely no cloning or genetically engineered food crops. No miniskirt g-strings will be allowed or ballerina skin tights or skin tight mini shorts. Genital mutilation circumcise baby boys ok still.


Poor Americans and Australians veterans men the Afghanistan war must remind them of their involvement in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. But at least today their career choice soldiers not forced into Conscription compulsory at the age of 18, you were picked had to go to the jungles of Vietnam and kill or be killed, even if they were a conscientious objector had no say in a democratic? country’s?. English invasion of Afghanistan and what happened to the English army domination of Afghanistan, English military massacred at the Khyber pass buy Afghanistan citizens. What was accomplish in the last 20 years, nothing of any positive outcome for the people of Afghanistan. Massive amounts of money wasted, thousands of lives lost and ruined for all time both western and Afghan. When is American going to realise their time is up on world stage, most definitely with current mob in charge. So what’s next ww3 war and China.


 Australians Commandos Forces in Afghanistan.


Brave Australian special forces hero

Great Australian special forces champion and hero. Lori  best instructor Australian military overseas intervention force, deserves his accolades as much as Ben Roberts Smith. Lieutenant Lori Australian special forces number NX105873.


Australian military operations Slipper in Afghanistan began in late 2001 and ended on 31 December 201. Another Operation in Afghanistan by Australian soldiers was Highroad, the security of the Australian people at home and when there on holidays overseas.

Paul Kenny news on the grapevine from ABC news Australia will become the next special operations commander for Australia.   Special operations command is the Australian Army special forces Australia’s Fleet Forces Air Commands arm of the Royal Australian Air Force RAAF.

But now he is acting head of the ADF’s COVID-19 taskforce, so don’t step out of line citizens as there are very steep fines, thousand of dollars if you do and soldiers are trained in warfare and combat more than policing.   The Australian police are probably the most professional law in-forse police department in the world, so the army soldiers will take a second seat as they are not trained in policing they are trained in warfare.   Paul Kenny is taking over from Major General Adam Findlay the big boss of Australia’s special forces since 2017.

Australia’s Greatest Hero Award Highest War Medal VC by Australia’s First female Governor general Quentin Bryce .
VC Soldier is Father of the Year, video about Australian special forces alleged war crimes Afghanistan VC Metal to Benjamin Roberts-Smith served Afghanistan.


About Australian legend Lawrence Black video from Australian Sat War Film Archive:



Australian special forces Afghanistan allegations of war crimes in Afghanistan, Australians SAS are innocent until proven guilty in Australian court of law.

No Afghanistan warcrimes.

Australian Special Forces Lori officer and a gentleman.

Australian special forces Lori and OAM would never commit warcrimes he was a commando working behind enemy lines in the most extreme dangerous operations.  Lori was an Australian special forces officer and a gentleman,  Lori was not a bloodthirsty type of special forces commando. There was never any allegations of war crime, or a bad word ever spoken about  Lori and OAM Australian special forces, like there is in Afghanistan against some Australian special forces.

I think after the correct Australian government departments have thoroughly investigated these alleged warcrimes allegations by Australian SAS commandos, the Australian commandos that served in Afghanistan will be found innocent of such severe crimes as warcrimes.

Afghanistan Allegations War Crimes Australians Special Forces innocent.


Afghanistan no warcrimes Australian SAS.

Lieutenant Lori Australian special forces but in every war in every country there’s been war crimes, but Australian Lori is a true officer and a gentleman and hero, deserves his accolades as much as Ben Roberts Smith.


Australian special forces SAS defence force has changed a lot, today soldering in Afghanistan is there chosen career path all professional soldiers extremely high tech compare to the first commando unit. The very first Australian commandos were not professionals soldiers, it was not their chosen career path, they were volunteers wanted to defend the country as war had broken out. These volunteers in listed in the Australian defence force to defend Australia and then started there military trained after joining the army.


Australian special forces SAS coat of arms.

Australian special forces coat of arms.

Not many men were asked by offices if they were interested in joining a group, and never told they was to serve behind enemy lines and they were going to be SAS Australian special forces men. These first Australian commandos were amazing without all today’s leading edge high-tech equipment, they have in Afghanistan nevertheless they were still the last Australian special forces to have out right war victory. The first ever Australian special forces and defence force offices witness and excepted the invading enemies defence force offices signatures of surrender. For about 75 years now the Australian SAS have had victory in battles but never won a war.

Afghanistan no war crime by special forces.

In Afghanistan they’re all offices and gentlemen like Lori Lieutenant Australian special forces Order of Australia OAM.


The longest war the Australian SAS served in was in Afghanistan for 20 years and have just pulled out on the 1st of January 2001. But unfortunately the enemy has just about taken all of that Afghanistan state, that Australian special forces were assigned to during the longest war Australians have been involved in by far a 20 year war. You would have to say all this high tech expensive equipment does not when wars. So why did Australian special forces SAS have victory in war over 75 years ago?

Afghanistan no warcrimes by Australian SAS.

OAM Lori Australian special forces now retired from the Australian military.


Icon of the Australian special forces or SAS.

Australian special forces icon.


For a start the old school Australian SAS Country at the time was not politically correct like today. Special forces did not stay in the barricks like in Afghanistan and only go out on missions where they knew the enemy was in low numbers and could be defeated.        There was about 40 Australian defence force soldiers died during this 20 years longest war by far ever in the history of Australia in Afghanistan. So can you win the longest Australian war by losing about 40 soldiers? The First special forces and the Australian defence force in ww2 took tens of thousands of casualties, and tens of thousands marters sacrificed their lives. Very brave heroes and not only special forces the Australian defence force was combined military organisation, including Navy Air Force army. The enemy paid a much higher price penalty lost of culture, huge lost of lives and infrastructure of their cities finally they lost the war.

Australian Special Forces.

 illegal executions of prisoners of war Australian special forces.

Very black day for Australian special forces, this was illegal executions of prisoners of war, this was a war crime guilty beyond out.



Today the modern Australian special forces in Afghanistan are all one group under the Special Operations Command. Answers to only the elected Army boss of defence force at the time, and also Secretary of Defence guys and Intelligence guys. The Special Operations Command is the command responsible for special forces.

Australian SAS hero receive this US metal.

Australian special forces hero receive this US metal.

In very recent times there’s been a lot of allegations against certain commandos in the Australian special forces in Afghanistan. Allegations regarding warcrimes, that I feel is unjust and as soon as we get to the bottom of these allegations the sooner the better.


Photographs of Australian Special Forces.


Australian SAS statue no warcrimes.

Australian commando statue all heroes.


Black Australian special forces weapons.

Australian special forces SAS weapons, no war crimes officer and a gentleman tool of the trade.


Australian special forces SAS no warcrimes here

Article about Australian special forces hero Lori OAM no war crimes an officer and a gentleman.




Afghanistan Australian SAS did not commit warcrimes

Australian commando morial plack all heroes .


At last the Afghanistan war is over and Australia’s longest war by far has come to an end. 20 years is over from 1 June 2021 the last Australian special forces are coming home from Afghanistan. It’s been a huge expense for Australian tax payers to fund this war in Afghanistan so did we win or lose.    Australian professional career choice soldiers in Afghanistan since 2001, only 41 Australian in their favourite career choice have lost their lives working in Afghanistan, which is very good compare to in WWI almost 54,000.00 Australian military died but the Australians won this war. The Afghanistan war some guys had physically or some mentally scarred from war overseas in Afghanistan. But if needed as now retired from their career, possibly the oldest profession in the world war and soldiering. The good tax payer will again pay there, pensions and much much better than Centrelink new-start. Australian tax payers will secure their financial needs for the rest of their life. Thanks to Australian workers taxpayers as these retired Australian veterans from Afghanistan will receive if injured or cannot sleep will have VIP medical treatment for the rest of their lives.


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