Famous Australian legends Heroes.

Famous Australian legends Heroes.

Posted by on Jul 19, 2021 in Australian heroes, Famous Australians, Lawrence Black |

Famous Australian Legends, Australian Icons.

Famous Australians WWII wild colonial boys saved Australia, many famous Hollywood blockbusters movies made about these famous guys, Australian and allies victory.  2 Sallie-Anne Huckstepp.   3 Ned Kelly.   4 Barry Humphries.  5 Rupert Murdoch.  6 Captain Cook.  7 Steve Irwin.  8 Aussie pioneers.  9 Olivia Newton-John.  10. Don Bradman .


Australian greatest heroes.

Image of some of Australian greatest heroes freedom fighters of all time last of the wild colonial boys.



Most famous Australians, legend and heroes.

Australian legends that save the country on official  Government Plack in Australia Sydney.


Australian heroes not John Howard he sent Australia career choice military workers to invade middle eastern countries, but little Johnny lost his war, no wonder Howard could never be a Australian hero. But he was the official deputy sheriff of the pacific, this title was given to him by US Press George Bush Junior, but these wars only caused an international refugee problem. 2021 Australian Government told Australian citizens only 3000 people from Muslim Afghanistan would come to Australia, now they’ve gone against their word and evacuate more than 4100 people from Muslim Afghanistan following the invasion and blunder.

Australian Government sent Australian army overseas to police Vietnam and ended up another war also a blunder, after f*** blunder and now Afghanistan blunder, when will they ever learn to mind their own business. Australian tax payers have to foot the bill, Australia Government is likely to resettle more than 12,000 from Muslim Syrian war the US coalition troops were involved in. Australian army in Iraq war also blunder and coalition troops are ready to with drawl, how many refugees from Muslim Iraq will come to Australia 20,000?




Famous Australians by far was the guys that volunteers prepared to sacrifice their lives in the battle for Australia.  These famous Australians military volunteers of World War II,   stopped the invasion of Australia and Asia but are now very few veterans. The famous Australian’s still with us are no more then about 1000 guys still alive. These famous Australian’s saved Australian daughters from being physically force to be comfort women to the very cruel enemy of the times.



Number 1 top 10 famous Australians

Australian legends and war hero. Legends famous Australians icon, OAM Order Australia medal.


The invaders that tried to imprisoned Australia would had killed old Australians, young men would had been in-slaved in concentration work camps, die of starvation and work to death. These famous Australian’s the greatest Australians gave today’s Australian’s the best future, because they were brave and prepared to sacrifice their lives. The old enemy is now on our side and now have respect for the Geneva convention, as many were executed for their war crimes after ww2 so thanks to the famous Australian’s that volunteered in the Second World War II for the freedom the continent has in joyed decades after. Unfortunately now the country has turned a very politically correct country, many freedoms have been whittled away. During the pandemic soldiers have been involved in policing civilians citizens, the soldiers have no experience in policing they have chosen a career, chose soldiering and many trained to kill or be killed with military weapons designed to kill the enemy. Government have announced that this virus is like a war.


Great people.

Three great Australians legends.


Great guy famous hero.

Great guy famous hero, OAM Order Australia medal & ww2 Champion.


Famous Australians, Sallie-Anne Huckstepp.


Sallie-Anne Huckstepp most likely one of the greatest Australian heroes, at least the bravest to reveal how systemic corruption in 1970s and 80s in the premier state of Australia. Sallie-Anne Huckstepp possibly the greatest whistleblower in Australia against police corruption. Lot of corruption the state of Queensland Fitzgerald inquiry4 ministers jailed, numerous convictions of Qld police. Former Police Commissioner convicted of corruption, jailed, former Premier Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen charged with perjury.


Similar to CCP Communist red China party bands, Australia no more joking around it looks like in Australia, as some subjects are banned and your Visa cancelled. Katie Hopkins will be deported from Australia after her visa was cancelled on about the 19 July 2021, and in a democratic country for opening her mouth in front of the wrong person. In military dictatorships example allies to Australia Thailand you go to jail if you say what she said on social media. Surely the lucky country is not going down the same track as Thailand.


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Famous Australian the Countries Icons.


Famous holiday holiday celebrations Australia

ANZAC day most famous holiday in Australian, for legends as the nation comes to a standstill at first light, to remember famous Australian legends who saved the Australia.


Ms Hopkins brought to Australia by Channel 7 to go on television program. Now Hopkins has been dropped from the Channel 7 program, allegations about boasting  undermining hotel’s safety protocols. At the same time the whole Australian Olympic teams been allowed to leave the country to go to Japan, where in the Olympic sport accommodation the virus is already been detected and soon will be spreading, and they will be all coming back to Australia soon. One thing good about the land down under democracies, citizens have 1 more choice than in CCP red Communist China. They can vote for the deep blue sea. Australians very very lucky have 1 more choice then Chinese citizens have.


Great guy.

WWll Australian volunteer Hal served in Papua New Guinea and Borneo.


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Icons Of Australia Champions.


Please contact and let us know your top 10 choices, a lot of people prefer movie stars some people prefer their top 10 choices to be sports people. Others prefer heroes there are so many different thoughts on this subject. On the Internet these days it’s usually younger people choices that seem to show up the most.


Famous OAM Australian.

Fearless brave a hero an great volunteer charity worker awarded OAM.


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